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Airborne 08.17.17: GA Sales Report, Google Lunar XPRIZE, ATC Privatization

Also: Gustave Whitehead, AirVenture Innovation Preview, Learjet 75, HondaJet, ALEA, Honeywell, F-5N GAMA has published second quarter GA airplane shipment and billings data. The general aviation industry delivered 995 airplanes at a value of $9 billion during the first half of 2017. "Results for the second quarter of this year are very much like the first – mixed, with some bright spots,” said GAMA president and CEO Pete Bunce. “We hope rule rewrites in the U.S. and Europe, reorganization of the FAA certification directorate, and ongoing certification and regulatory reform efforts in Congress, including fuller utilization of the delegation authorization, will spur higher numbers in future quarters this year and the next.” The piston airplane segment led the industry in unit improvement at a 5.6 percent increase compared to the same period in 2016. XPRIZE and Google have announced that $4.75M in additional Milestone Prize money will be available to Google Lunar XPRIZE finalist teams for achieving technological milestones along the way to the Moon. The Milestone Prize purses will be evenly distributed between all teams who have achieved each milestone by March 31, 2018. The Alliance for Aviation Across America (AAAA) says that in a recent piece in The Hill, privatization proponent Ian Adams argues in favor of a recent proposal to privatize ATC by saying it would reallocate the tax burden among the “fees its users pay,” including GA. This comes after months of the airlines saying that privatization is not about shifting their taxes onto others. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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