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Airborne 09.06.17: Collings F-4 Returns, Andreini Remembered, Elixir 1st Flight

Also: Miss America Flies, Jabiru New J170-D, Concorde Batteries, Swiss Rotor Solutions, BAA Training, Jet MS, Air Berlin The only airworthy example of the F-4 Phantom II is flying again, thanks to The Collings Foundation. The airplane flew August 8 with US Air Force ‘Rhino’-driver Harry “D-Day” Daye in the pilot seat from Ellington Field in Houston, Texas. N749CF (November Seven Four Niner Charlie Foxtrot), the 1965-built McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II once flew with the USAF as 65-0749. She is currently painted in the markings of 66-7680, a Phantom II flown by Col. Robin Olds’ during Operation Bolo in the Vietnam War. It took an actual act of Congress to make it possible for the airplane to fly again. The Collings Foundation championed an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill of 1999 to clear the necessary hurdles to fly the now-civilian-owned aircraft. Half Moon Bay Airport (KHAF) in San Mateo County, CA has been renamed for well-known local pilot and airshow performer Eddie Andreini Sr. in a ceremony held August 26th on the field. Andreini was a beloved local businessman and local pilot who was fatally injured while performing during an airshow in 2014. French planemaker Elixir Aircraft recently marked the first flight of the Elixir light airplane, and has released a video of the flight to the public. The company said that the flight was conducted by test pilot Daniel Serres following three days of ground tests at La Rochelle airport. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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