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Airborne 09.08.17: Voodoo Speed Record, GA v Harvey, Astros v Privatization

Also: Stratollite, Hurricane Prep, KSMO, Boeing Raises Forecast, Hong Kong Airlines, Pilot Indicted, Blumenthal v GA Air Racing Champion Steve Hinton Jr. took to the skies of Idaho over Labor Day weekend, and in stunning fashion, flew his highly modified P-51 Mustang “Voodoo” to a speed of 531.53 MPH -- the fastest speed ever achieved in the world for a piston engine propeller driven airplane. The average speed recorded by Hinton Jr. tops the 528.3 MPH recorded by Lyle Shelton back in 1989. Hinton Jr.’s record falls within the sub-class for internal combustion engine planes with a weight of between 3,000-6,000 kg and eclipses Will Whiteside Jr.’s previous mark of 318.01 MPH achieved in 2012. The Commemorative Air Force Highland Lakes Squadron has completed a volunteer mission delivering much-needed supplies to Beaumont, TX as part of relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Harvey. The C-47 owned and maintained by the CAF squadron was just what was needed for the effort. The plane delivered troops and cargo 70 years ago during WWII, and it is still a capable cargo hauler today. Bluebonnet Belle could carry up to 4,000 pounds of cargo, so when the call went out for airplanes to help in the relief effort, CAF answered with some big iron. Four veteran NASA astronauts are featured in a 98-second video encouraging citizens to contact their congressional representatives to oppose the privatization of US ATC services. "We know better than most that our national airspace is precious and that our freedom to use it now hangs by a thin thread," explains former Gemini and Apollo astronaut Lieutenant General Thomas Stafford in the video produced and distributed by the International Council of Air Shows. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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