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Airborne 09.19.17: Avro Arrow, Virgin Orbit, No Pot Delivery By Drone

Also: NFlightMic Debut, Natl Av Hall Of Fame, Aero-Calendar, MD v FAA, Med Drone Transport, Ryanair, 'Black Sheep' Kraken Sonar Systems, working with OEX Recovery Group, has discovered a long-sought free-flight Avro Arrow model on the floor of Lake Ontario. The sonar images were captured using Kraken's AquaPix Synthetic Aperture Sonar and revealed to media and project supporters. The sonar and underwater camera images showcase a free-flight Avro Arrow model that was launched over Lake Ontario in the 1950s as part of the Avro Arrow design test program. The new CEO of Virgin Orbit, which was spun off from Virgin Galactic to capture a share of the small satellite launch market, says the company will carry out two missions per month in 2020, despite a delay in the initial flight of the company's launcher. Dan Hart was promoted from company president to CEO in June. Hart recently said that he had made a few changes in the test program, which pushed the initial flight of LauncherOne into early next year. He said that the company plans three test flights of LauncherOne before moving to commercial operations. “That gives us plenty of ramp-up time to get to the 24-level in 2020,” Hart said during the panel discussion. This is so... California... The California Bureau of Cannabis Control has shot down the idea of delivering pot using drones in the state. The bureau released an initial study that outlined emergency regulations being formulated ahead of January 1, when the sale of marijuana will be allowed with proper retail licensing for recreational use. But the bureau was very clear that only trailers or commercial vehicles can be used. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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