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Airborne 10.12.17: Another Airport Scandal, BizJet Forecast, True Blue Power

Also: Drone v Blackhawk, 400th UH-72A, EAA, Wipaire, NBAA@Las Vegas, Airtext, GE Aviation T901 Desert Jet Center has been trying since 2015 to build a new facility at Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport in Palm Springs, CA, but has run into multiple delays, and now believes the county is actively favoring a competing FBO in what it describes as "cronyism". Desert Jet Center signed a 35-year lease with the Riverside County on October 6, 2015. Almost immediately, the airport manager received a complaint from the competing FBO on the field saying that Desert Jet Center had to make an expensive improvement on the competitor's leasehold before they could begin construction on their own facility. The business jet aviation industry is likely facing a modest pace for near-term orders due to an uncertain economic and political environment along with a very competitive used aircraft market, per the 26th annual Global Business Aviation Outlook released at NBAA, by Honeywell. The Global Business Aviation Outlook forecasts up to 8,300 new business jet deliveries worth $249 billion from 2017 to 2027, down 2-3 percentage points from the 2016 10-year forecast. Not all great product announcements out of NBAA 2017 are about great planes or exciting new avionics or powerplants... sometimes they’re about cool little gadgets that allow today’s aircraft to work better than ever. In this case; True Blue Power has added a 2000-watt inverter to its line of power solutions and raised the bar yet again. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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