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Airborne 10.17.17: Waco YMF-5F Flies!, SpaceX Streak, BBJs Rule

Also: Embraer, Aero-Calendar, AeroVironment, Sikorsky Heli's, EASA Singapore, FireFighting UAV, WestJet The amazing craftsman of the Waco Classic Aircraft operation in Michigan have just started test flying their new YMF-5F -- the amphibious float equipped version of the rugged classic Waco YMF-5 biplane series. Most important; this bird looks even better than we expected. This is the first amphib Waco built... though a straight float version flew long ago -- with a few performance limitations. Now with the trifecta of 300 HP engines, the new MT composite propeller and Aerocet 3400 Amphibious floats, WACO says it has "the perfect combination to make a great WACO on Floats. The YMF-5F." SpaceX just had a GREAT week... with two launches and first stage recoveries in as many days... including the recovery of their third re-used first stage booster. And they’re doing something even more amazing... making these extraordinary achievements ‘almost’ boring. Boeing Business Jets has booked 14 new orders in the last year. The orders include one 737, four BBJs, three BBJ MAXs, one BBJ 787-8, two BBJ 777-300ERs and three BBJ 747-8s. “It has been a really strong year for us at Boeing Business Jets,” said Greg Laxton, Head of Boeing Business Jets. “Our customers are seeing the value our products provide across our entire portfolio, from the current generation BBJ, to the future BBJ MAX, all the way up to the BBJ 747-8.” All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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