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Airborne 11.20.17: Airlander Accident, Good News For E-AB's, Avionics $Boost$

Also: CH-53K King Stallion, BizAv Tax Break?, Wingsuit BASE Jumper Lost, 2018 Top Hawk Program The Hybrid Air Vehicles HAV 304/Airlander 10 has been involved in yet another accident... this time when the massive inflatable broke loose from its moorings. The 302 foot airship had flown another test flight, Friday, and was moored through Saturday when something occurred breaking loose the vehicle and causing extensive damage to the airframe. Two people were reported to have suffered minor injuries as the vehicle deflated automatically once its safety systems were engaged following its disconnection from the mooring mast. The was no attempt to fly the vehicle at the time of the accident and none had been scheduled following the previous day's excursions. Fatal accidents in experimental category aircraft, particularly amateur-built aircraft, continued their decline during the FAA’s 2017 fiscal year that ended September 30, falling to historic lows. For the 12-month period from October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017, fatal accident totals in amateur-built aircraft were down 18 percent to just 27, compared with 33 during the 2016 fiscal year. The Aircraft Electronics Association has released its third-quarter 2017 Avionics Market Report. In the first nine months of the year, total worldwide business and general aviation avionics sales amounted to $1,732,915,016.06, or more than $1.73 billion as reported by the participating companies. The figure represented a 4.1 percent increase in year-over-year sales compared to the first nine months of 2016 amount of $1,664,109,078.49. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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