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Airborne 12.06.17: One Week Wonder Returns!, Jabiru LSA, Raunchy Skywriting

Also: Air Tractor SAIB, PT6A Familiarization, Teamsters-NetJets Agreement, 150 H145 Deliveries The hugely popular One Week Wonder project, where a complete airplane is built over a seven-day period, is returning to AirVenture in 2018, on July 23-29. This time, the airplane will be a Van’s RV-12iS. More than 2,500 people participated in the 2014 project, which culminated in the successful taxiing of a Zenith CH 750 on the event’s final afternoon. That airplane continues to fly today, visiting EAA chapters and other aviation events throughout the country. It is a testament to the accessibility and possibilities available through the homebuilt aircraft community. In a move initiated by Jabiru North America, LLC, US Sport Planes of Denton, Texas has been appointed as the North American importer and distributor for Jabiru Light Sport Airplanes for North America, effective immediately. U.S. Sport Planes will be the exclusive importer and market the full line of LSA airplanes manufactured in Australia by Jabiru Aircraft Pty, Ltd. Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd, based in Australia, has sold over 2000 aircraft and over 6,000 engines world-wide since 1988. A U.S. Navy pilot and his backseat crewperson have been disciplined by the Navy for a stunt they pulled on November 15 that left a giant phallic symbol floating in the sky over North Island in Washington State. The two officers, who have not been identified, used the EA-18G Growler to "draw" the objectionable image. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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