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Airborne 01.10.18: Advanced XL-2, Huerta Steps Down, Karma Kaput

Also: Fairbanks Opposed A/C Registration, P2012 Traveller, Team Futaba, Dream Chaser Update Discovery Aviation has started production of its new advanced XL-2 with a three (3) aircraft order from a current XL-2 operator in Seoul, Korea. The business plan calls for production to ramp up in 2018 with full production capabilities to be achieved later in the year. To date there have been 135 XL-2s’ manufactured, featuring an exceptional safety record and offering unparalleled operational costs, burning just 4.5 gph with its advanced Teledyne Continental Motors IOF-240 FADEC engine. FAA Administrator Michael Huerta's term as FAA administrator ended last weekend with no permanent replacement identified. Huerta was appointed to lead the agency by President Obama in 2011 following the resignation of Randy Babbitt, in the wake of an alleged drunken driving incident. The current deputy administrator, Daniel Elwell, became acting administrator until a replacement can be identified and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. GoPro announced in its most recent earnings report that it is exiting the camera drone market after it sells off its existing drone inventory. The company is reportedly laying off between 200 and 300 people, mostly from the Karma segment of the business. The layoffs were announced in a letter from GoPro executives to employees affected by the move, which was called part of a "larger restructuring to better align our resources with business requirements." All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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