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Airborne-Unmanned 02.20.18: USMC InstantEye, Raleigh Reconsiders, Battle Drones

Also: Fortem DroneHunter, Solar-Powered Rover, Drone Mkt Worth $48.88B, MQ-25 Partnerships InstantEye Robotics has received a substantial order from PMA-263, the Navy and Marine Corps Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Office, for an additional 800 InstantEye Mk-2 GEN3-A0 sUAS systems. The systems delivered under this contract will support deployed Marine infantry squads. The InstantEye family of products includes the Mk-2 GEN4, which is the largest system, capable of carrying payloads up to 4 pounds; the mid-sized, highly agile Mk-2 GEN3, which can carry payloads up to 1.5 pounds; and the palm-sized, highly integrated Mk-2 GEN5, with advanced vehicle-borne computer processing power that will allow the system to adapt to future capability needs. The Raleigh, NC Parks Committee is looking at a revised drone policy that could allow small UAVs to be flown in almost all of the city's public parks. The new policy approved by the Raleigh Parks Committee and moved on to the full Parks, Recreation and Greenway advisory board would allow any UAV weighing less than 400 grams to be flown in any city park that is not designated as a nature preserve, nature park, wetland center or lake. Small drone aircraft the Army is using are proving their worth as a useful tool for battlefield reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. Infantry units are seeing the advantage of small unmanned aircraft systems, which are an integral part of the 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, assigned to the Joint Multinational Readiness Center at 7th Army Training Command’s Hohenfels Training Area. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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