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Airborne 02.21.18: AEA Report, Aerocor Eclipse Program, WWII Airman Recovered

Also: Gulfstream To Expand, Med-Trans Partners, FAA SAIB On AT-6, Passenger Gas Curtails Flight The AEA has released its 2017 year-end Avionics Market Report. Total worldwide business and general aviation avionics sales amounted to more than $2.3 billion. The figure represented a 2.9 percent increase in sales over the previous year. The increase reverses two-straight years of declining sales. 42.3 percent came from forward-fit (avionics equipment installed by airframe manufacturers during original production) sales, or more than $984 million. That marked the lowest dollar amount of forward-fit sales recorded in the last five years. Aerocor LLC has introduced a "first of its kind" Certified Pre­Owned Program for the Eclipse 500 and 550. Aircraft selected for Certified Pre­owned status are subjected to a thorough review and will include fresh inspections along with first-year scheduled maintenance and operational support. “We are very excited to bring this unique opportunity to the Eclipse Market,” says company Co-founder Gavin Woodman. An Airman who served with 555th Bombardment Squadron, 386th Bombardment Group, 9th Bomber Command, during World War II was accounted for Jan. 22, 2018. Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. John H. Canty was one of eight crewmembers aboard a B-26 Marauder on a nighttime bombing mission from Easton Lodge-Essex, England, against targets near Caen, France. His B-26 was shot down between the villages of Baron-sur-Odon and Gavrus, France, on June 22, 1944. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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