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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.23.18)

Aero Linx: The Society for Aviation History The Society for Aviation History is based on a long and established successful tradition. We are dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of aviation history or any related activity. Our Creed is the preservation of past, present, and future aviation history, the preservation of aviation artifacts: be it literature, aircraft, or support items, and the continued education of the general public in aviation related matters. The original group was formed as a chapter of the American Aviation Historical Society in 1985 by the late Arthur P. Dowd and Howard "Ace" Campbell. Lindy E. Hollingsworth was its first elected president (1986-1997) and John Symons succeeded him (1997-2001), Nick Veronico (2001-2004, 2007-2010), Norm Jukes, (2005-2006), and Alice Hendricks (2011-2014) and Nick Veronico holds the position as of January 2015.

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