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Airborne 04.23.18: Hemisphere Suspended, Thunderbirds Fly, Apple v Drones

Also: New NASA Administrator, AD For CFM56-7B, Engine Display Upgrade On C-441, First BBJ MAX Textron Aviation has suspended work on the Citation Hemisphere large business jet, citing ongoing problems with the Safran Silvercrest engine selected to power the new airplane. Textron CEO Scott Donnelly announced the suspension during a conference call with analysts last week. "I think everybody knows there have been some issues around the engine that was slated for that aircraft," Donnelly said. The USAF Thunderbirds demonstration team has resumed operations and practice following the fatal injury of pilot Major Stephen "Cajun" Del Bagno during training on April 4. Thunderbirds commander Lt. Col. Kevin Walsh released a video announcing the resumption of operations. "While our hearts are still heavy with the loss of our wingman Cajun, we know he’d want us back in the air and preparing to recruit, retain and inspire once more," Walsh said. Drone pilot Duncan Sinfield has been regularly capturing videos of the construction of Apple's new circular campus in ... dubbed "Apple Park" ... being build in Cupertino, CA. But that looks like Apple is not particularly keen on the idea. The circular building described as looking like a "spaceship" has been under construction since 2014, and the building has been in use since September, 2017. Sinfield had been posting new video of Apple Park about twice a month. But recently, he says that he's been asked to leave by Apple security personnel shortly after he's launched his drone. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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