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Airborne 03.25.24: XB-1 1st Flight!, Joby Joins USAF, A-10C Final Demos

Also: Moron With A Laser, EAA Aviation Museum, FAA v Santa Monica Propeller Service, Frontier MEC Lauds FO Boom Supersonic has confirmed details surrounding the successful first test flight of XB-1, reportedly the world’s first independently developed supersonic jet, at the Mojave Air & Space Port in Mojave, California. XB-1 was flown by Boom Chief Test Pilot Bill “Doc” Shoemaker, and Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg flew the T-38 chase aircraft which monitored the flight. XB-1 took off from the Mojave Air & Space Port. XB-1 met all of its test objectives, including safely and successfully achieving an altitude of 7,120 feet and speeds up to 273 mph. Joby Aviation committed to delivering an additional 2 eVTOL aircraft to MacDill Air Force Base under the branch's continued testing of novel tech. The delivery is set to take place next year under the AFWERX Agility Prime contract. Joby originally delivered the first of its eVTOLs to Edwards AFB in 2023. Time flies.... but the A-10C is about to get its wings clipped. After more than 40 years, the Air Force A-10C Demonstration Team has announced that 2024 will mark its final season. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unlimited!!!

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