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Messages - Buran

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Irish Air Corps / Re: Air Corps Calendar 2010
« on: January 04, 2010, 10:44:59 am »
Thanks for the pics Frank

Irish Air Corps / Re: Air Corps Calendar 2010
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:38:14 pm »
Thanks Frank

The reason i was asking about you selling is i can imagine the other way might involve cheque or postal order which is a slight be more awkward for me.

no worries

Irish Air Corps / Re: Air Corps Calendar 2010
« on: December 23, 2009, 10:20:22 am »
hi, has anyone received the calendar yet?

Whats it like? Is it just a study of the stained glass windows?

Is it an a3 page per month as before?
I would think it unlikely for 6 euro.

Is Frank going to sell it via this website?

Irish Aviation History / Finnish Fougas including Simulator
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:58:35 pm »
Heres something i found.
He has photos of finnish fougas, but also constructed a simulator for himself out of one.

Irish Air Corps / Re: AW 139 questions
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:55:11 pm »
heres another question.
Is there any truth to the notion, mentioned a good while ago, about the irish naming the 139 the "wolfhound"?

Irish Air Corps / Re: Anyone recognise this heli?
« on: February 05, 2008, 01:46:53 pm »
... of course upgrading extends the life.....

Upgrading avionics tends not to extend structural life limits.

...A 1975 Ferrari, will out perform a 2008 S2000...

On a once around a track maybe. But will it out perform an S2000 on a trip from here to the south of france? How many clutches do you think you would need replaced?

Old does not mean useless. This is quite true.
But old usually means more expensive to maintain. And having a fleet with a few of this and a few of that increases your operating costs. So at some point you say "screw it, lets just sell the old ones and be done with it".

Irish Air Corps / EC135 questions
« on: January 04, 2008, 02:15:31 pm »
i believe that the reason they have different engines is as follows:

the green 135s were bought as pure aer chor aircraft to be maintained by the aer chor. So the decision on engine type was probably to fit in with an existing P&W contract for the PT6s throughout the rest of the fleet.

The Garda 135s were to be operated by the aer chor, with garda personnel in the back, but maintained by mcalpine. This makes sense given the amount of police surveillance equipment onboard that the aer chor would have no prior experience with. So mcalpine probably chose Turbomeca engines to fit in with their existing fleet and contracts.

Now there was an "i believe..." at the start of that so corrections are welcome.

Irish Air Corps / What next aircraft?
« on: August 10, 2007, 01:26:43 pm »
Quote (Buran @ 09 Aug. 2007,04:57)
You'd swear that some people are embarrassed when abroad at airshows, talking to photographers of other nationalities, about our own defense forces

Maybe they are.

Theres nothing wrong with discussion, and forming your own opinion (hence this website). And if that opinion is happens to be embarrassment, then so be it.

But my point is, when you want to spend tax payers money, you have to be impassionate and rigorous. And it has to be seen to be impassionate and rigorous.

If we did this with the PPARS and the evoting systems, we wouldnt have ended up with either of those messes.

PS Maybe some other nations should feel embarrassed about having a bloated and under-utilised military thats main reason to exist as it is today is historical and the government hasn't the stomach to make politically unpopular staff cuts in what is essentially one of the main employers in the state.

I for one don't feel embarrassed about the principle of having a lean force that only addresses the specific roles that it has been tasked with.

Irish Air Corps / What next aircraft?
« on: August 09, 2007, 01:57:05 pm »
Would you put a Fouga up against a Civvy Airliner of would you rather an F-16?

What are we talking here, Top Trumps?

What i'm saying is that it annoys me when people want to define our military force like its some sort of international 'ours is better then theirs' contest. You'd swear that some people are embarrassed when abroad at airshows, talking to photographers of other nationalities, about our own defense forces; and think that this should be the metric used to justify spending tax payers money.

I agree with FiannaFail starting the other thread about what the roles should be. Because thats the first thing. You define the roles, then the requirements to meet those roles, then the equipment necessary to meet those requirements.
And it should be done on a risk/cost/benefit basis, put into a big report that can be released to the public, and let it stand on its own two legs (or not as the case may be).

Irish Air Corps / What next aircraft?
« on: August 08, 2007, 02:05:51 pm »
Whats Irelands bloody problem with "Jets" for god sake are we afraid to move forward.. 'banghead'

Seriously, are you ... Jeremy Clarkson?
He really annoys me when he comes out with "the concorde, the most technologically advanced civilian aircraft, is being retired...".
FFS the A320 is more technologically advanced. Its just not as fast or as pointy.

Let me ask you this. At home we use a 15 year old hand push lawnmower to cut the grass. So should we 'get with the future' and get a ride on, or at least a flymo?
Or should we look at the actual requirement in hand, and continue to use the perfect tool to cut the 10 x 25 ft of grass that we have?

Irish Air Shows / Bray Air Display 2007
« on: August 08, 2007, 01:09:29 pm »
the bray air show was postponed until 02 September due to the weather at the weekend

Irish Air Shows / Thunderbirds Display
« on: June 25, 2007, 02:18:20 pm »
About the thunderbirds, does anyone:

a) find it interesting the amount that they flew over the crowd. I though this was against the rules (not that im complaining)?

b) think that (even accounting for them having to do a flat display) that their display was a bit under whelming compared to the red arrows, or even the extra 300s?

c) think that it was bad form for the merlin to start up its engines + rotors while the thunderbirds were still displaying, causing a large diversion of attention?

Irish Air Shows / salthill airshow 2007?!
« on: June 25, 2007, 02:15:53 pm »
Does anyone have the list of what aircraft actually flew?
I was a bit late to the show, and id like to know what i missed.

Irish Air Shows / Bray Airshow
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:45:45 pm »
I hear tell that the Bray Airshow will be on this year on August 05.
Has anyone heard anything more about this?

Irish Air Corps / Irish Air Corps Calendar 2007
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:48:44 pm »
Hi Frank
I got the calendar. Looks very good. Well put together.
Have to say though, i prefer the idea of last years one, with one big picture per month. Im not into these multipane images.

And as for pictures of things that are not planes?
Yes, one the one hand, the fire brigade are just as much a part of the aer chor, but on the other hand, ..... they are not planes.

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